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  6. Concerned about a child?
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What to do if you're concerned about a child

Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard children, young people and adults who may be at risk of abuse. If you have a concern about the safety of a child or young person under the age of 18, you should talk to someone immediately. 

You can contact us on 0191 520 5560 (Monday to Thursday, 8:30am to 5:00pm and Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm) or our Out of Hours team on 0191 520 5552 (available 24 hours a day, Saturday and Sunday).

In an emergency, always call 999

Who can contact us?

Anyone can contact us, including:

  • The person themselves
  • Family members
  • Friends and neighbours
  • Members of the public
  • Professionals

What will happen next?

Anything you tell us will be kept in confidence, but we may need to share certain information to keep you safe. Our first priority is to ensure you, and any other people who may also be at risk, are safe.

We will listen to your circumstances and look at how serious the situation is before deciding how to respond. We will carry out a careful and sensitive enquiry to help decide what to do next. We will work together with all of the relevant organisations, and will give you information and advice.

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