Mental Health Awareness Week - Exam Anxiety
Top Tips
As schools enter exam season, Mental Health Awareness Week (15th May - 21st May) is a great opportunity to equip young people with the tools they need to help manage exam anxiety.
Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems we can all face and exam stress can feel like a lot to cope with. However, there are steps students can take to help look after and improve their wellbeing.
Below are five top tips you can share with students to help manage their exam anxiety:
● Make time for things you enjoy -Find ways to release stress and celebrate your revision progress. Whether it's listening to music, cooking, drawing or going for a walk.
● Talk to others about how you feel - Connect with your friends, after all they are going through the same thing, and you can look to your family for support. Remember, you are not alone.
● Try to find balance -Take regular breaks and be realistic about what you can do in a day. Keep things in perspective and remember that exams don't last forever.
● Take care of your physical health - Make sure you get enough sleep, nutritious food, water and exercise. Whether it's a walk or doing sports, physical activity helps to reduce symptoms of anxiety.
● Focus on yourself -Try not to compare yourself to others. Think of things you like about yourself and what you're good at - this can help boost your confidence.
You can signpost students experiencing anxiety to free national advice from the Mind and BBC Bitesize. The Kooth community is another great resource available to students aged 10-25 across Sunderland. It offers free, safe and anonymous online mental health and wellbeing support.
Usefull resources
Factsheet: exams and assessments in England in 2023 - GOV.UK (
Exam Time & Exam Stress | Parents Guide To Support | YoungMinds
Help your child beat exam stress - NHS (
How do I help my child deal with exam stress? - Support for Parents from Action For Children
How to reduce stress in the run-up to GCSE and National exams - BBC Bitesize