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Working shoulder to shoulder with young people whose lives will be most impacted by climate change

Tuesday 18 January 2022

The Environmental, Green and Sustainable (EGS) Group is becoming a well-established youth group run by, with and for Sunderland's children and young people. The first meeting of 2022 took place last night (Monday 17 January) and there are big plans for follow-on sessions throughout the year.

EGS was born out of a vote by the city's children and young people two years ago. Young people across the city identified the environment and climate change as their number one priority in the Young People's State of the City Debate. They said climate change was their biggest concern and they wanted to work with everyone in Sunderland to address the huge challenges ahead.

Despite the pressures and delays forced on everyone by the pandemic, the EGS Group is already helping to shape plans to achieve the city's carbon neutrality ambitions, working closely with Sunderland's 2030 Shadow Board.

Sunderland's 2030 Shadow Board brings together organisations including the Council, Together for Children, Sunderland Youth Parliament, South Tyneside and Sunderland's NHS Foundation Trust, NHS Sunderland Clinical Commissioning Group, the University of Sunderland, Sunderland College, Gentoo as well as the Police, Fire Service, Transport for the North, and business partners through the North East England Chamber of Commerce, together with councillors representing each of the political groups on the Council.

The partnership has set the ambition for the City to be Carbon neutral by 2040 and Sunderland's Low Carbon Framework is at the heart of their ambitions. The Shadow Board is developing a range of practical ways in which Sunderland can become greener and recognises that we all have a role to play. Through joint working with residents, businesses and the voluntary and community sector, partners believe they can influence behaviour to tackle carbon emissions and encourage everyone to become more sustainable one small step at a time. And now EGS is playing a key role with the Board too.

At the first meeting of EGS, children and young people elected representatives to attend October's Shadow Board. Eleni Avgenaki from University of Sunderland and Eva Bibi, a member of Together for Children's Stars Group, were the first young people to attend the Shadow Board which is chaired by the Leader of the Council, Cllr Graeme Miller.

Eva said: "I'm really excited to do all of this. I'd really like to help save the planet and often take my litter picker to the beach to help the planet. I like helping the forests too and came today because I believe we can make a change to the world."

The 2030 Shadow Board partnership made the decision to task the next generation with bringing to life Sunderland's Low Carbon Framework. The city's young residents will inherit what is hoped to be a more sustainable Sunderland and so it makes sense they own and lead low carbon plans.

Cllr Graeme Miller said: "The fight to save the planet is one that needs action right here, right now and we're delighted to be working shoulder-to-shoulder with some of the young people whose lives will be most impacted by climate change."

The city's children and young people are rising to the challenge - having raised the issue at the last Shadow Board meeting, this month the EGS group is looking at community growing and local food.

Greta Thunberg, the Swedish environmental activist attracted headlines during COP 26 when she criticised world leaders for too little action and too much "blah, blah, blah." EGS in Sunderland is seeking opportunities to act locally. They've joined forces with Sunderland's brand-new Youth Choir. Not only does the choir offer children and young people aged 7 to 16 the chance to sing every Monday night it's also going to be a climate friendly choir.

Lizzie Nixon is Sunderland Music Hub Manager: "We are very excited about becoming a Climate Friendly Choir. The climate emergency is important to all of the young people we speak to and it's the responsibility of all of us working across the city to make sure that our activity does not negatively impact on the climate crisis."

Ellie Richards is one of two Carbon Neutral Engagement Officers in Sunderland. Ellie is supporting the EGS Group and wants to hear from Sunderland young people who are keen to know more.

If you would like to share activities, thoughts or questions on Sunderland's Low Carbon journey, please use the #WearSustainable hashtag on Twitter and Facebook - itself decided on by the EGS group!

Contact Ellie and the Low Carbon Team at lowcarbon@sunderland.gov.uk.

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