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Youth Offending Service (YOS)

Together for Children is responsible for a range of youth offending services. Sunderland Youth Offending Service (YOS) is a multi-agency service comprising of the four statutory agencies of police, probation, health and the local authority.

The service works in partnership with other key agencies such as the area courts and specialist service providers, including child mental health, substance misuse and accommodation. The principal aim of the service is to prevent offending and reoffending by children and young people.

In doing so, the service works in partnership to deliver both statutory and non-statutory services to:

  • Young people aged 10 to17 who, because of potential or actual offending, have become involved in the criminal justice system
  • Children and young people identified as at risk of offending
  • Families of children and young people offending or at risk of offending
  • Victims of young people who have offended.

Sunderland YOS is committed to helping children and young people who offend or who are at risk of offending and for their families, while also ensuring that justice is done for the victims of their offending and the wider community affected by youth crime.

Get in touch
Address: Youth Offending Service, Stanfield Business Centre, Addison Street, Sunderland, SR2 8SZ
Phone: 0191 561 4000
Email: YOS@sunderland.gov.uk

Alternative secure email: Grp.Sunderland-yot@sunderland.gov.uk.cjsm.net

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