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Breathing Space

Breathing Space is a Together for Children funded initiative that provides valuable space, time and support for young people with additional needs who are at risk of suspension/exclusion.

Breathing Space offers positive experiences and opportunities to improve emotional wellbeing and support young people to remain in education.

This supports children and young people who:

  • Are in School Year 5 to Year 9
  • Are at risk of suspension/exclusion from school (as determined by the school)
  • Live in Sunderland

We have a range of Hubs that are designed to support children and young people with specific needs. Please see below what is available and how to refer a child:

Autism Hub

  • As well as meeting the above criteria, this group supports young people with a diagnosis of Autism
  •  Individuals must attend a Mainstream school
  • Small specialist group sessions, delivered after school by the Autism Outreach Team

Mentor Hub

As well as meeting the above criteria, this support is tailored to young people who have a diagnosis or are on the pathway for Autism and/or Social Emotional Mental Health  

  • Individuals must attend a Mainstream school
  • 1:1 Mentor support
  • Designed to support young people to build confidence and access existing activities within the community

To refer a young person to our Autism and Mentor Hub, please complete our online referral form.

For young people not accessing a mainstream school, we have two additional Hubs:

SEMH Hub @ Link School

  • Small group sessions, delivered after school within the Link School
  • Open to pupils of the Link School
  • If your child attends the Link School, please contact the school directly

Complex Needs Hub

  • Young person must have a diagnosis of Autism and a Learning Disability and meet the criteria for support from the Children with Disabilities social work team
  • Small specialist group sessions with high staffing ratios, delivered after school and on a weekend by Family Care and Support Team
  • Referrals come directly through Children with Disabilities panel. Please speak to your social worker for further details

If you have any questions about Breathing Space, please email us at breathing.space@togetherforchildren.org.uk.


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