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Children with SEN


Together for Children provides services, activities and events for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, our staff are currently working from home, therefore, if you'd like to speak to someone in the SENDIASS team please email sendiass@sunderlandcarers.co.uk in the first instance.

Information and support for parents and carers

Our Facebook page - Sunderland SENDIASS - provides up to date information for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities. 

The Sunderland Information Point and Local Offer website offers information and support for children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities and their families and carers.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team

Our Special Educational Needs (SEN) Team carries out statutory functions on behalf of Sunderland City Council in relation Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessments and Education Heath and Care Plans (EHCPs). 

Find out more about the SEN Team on the Local Offer website.

SEND Portal

Our SEND Portal contains a range of information and guidance documents around special education needs and disabilities. You can access the SEND Portal here. You can SEND Ranges (Word doc, 818 KB)

Useful information

The Language and Learning Partnership is made up of a team of professionals with backgrounds in Mainstream and Specialist provision. We are here to support schools with children who are experiencing difficulties in the classroom and would like specialist advice, resources and strategies for these children to make the best progress. Our team will assess needs around cognition and learning, provide possible resources to consider, and set targets for next steps in learning. 

Children who are referred into our service should be presenting as 2 years below age related expectations, be in Range 3 and above, and have support plans from school in place.

Referrals should be sent to  LLP@togetherforchildren.org.uk

Behaviour Support Services in Sunderland.



SEN Family Portal Guidance (PDF, 101 KB)

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