Red Gables Q&A
Where is the property?
Red Gables is a five-bedroom detached property in East Rainton, Sunderland.
The property already has a great layout, is spacious, welcoming and well looked after, but we will need to carry out some refurbishment work to ensure it best meets the needs of the children and families in Sunderland who will use it. The home is also easy to access and there is on-site parking provisions and plans to extend parking facilities.
Why was the property chosen?
Red Gables was chosen because the property already has a lot of the qualities we were looking for in a new provision such as a good layout and substantial outdoor space. It also has the character and homeliness we wanted. The existing wide corridors and space to add a lift and additional rooms means families and the team can access all parts of the building. The layout of the property has meant that less structural work would be needed compared to others we properties we considered during the search.
How much did it cost?
The purchase of the home, renovation work, legal costs and adding facilities is expected to cost around £1.7million. The property itself cost £772,000 to purchase.
How many families will be supported at Red Gables?
Red Gables will provide up to five bedrooms for overnight accommodation which will be dependent on staffing arrangements and matching considerations.
Who will staff Red Gables?
The property will be staffed by Together for Children employees. Red Gables will maintain a staff presence ranging from 4 to 6 members on site at any given time, depending on the needs of the young people using the property. Staff will follow shift schedules, resulting in periodic handovers between team members. While specific working schedules are yet to be determined and will vary daily, it's anticipated that not all staff will conduct handovers simultaneously. All staff members will utilise on-site parking facilities; the existing facilities are to be extended as part of the exterior amendments. The Red Gables team will be led by a skilled and experienced manager who will bet registered with Ofsted and will oversee a team of staff providing 24/7 care. The team will be appointed prior to opening to allow them to carry out training and to familiarise themselves with the children and the home.
Having staff with the relevant experience and skills is crucial for meeting the needs of children effectively and our recruitment process will ensure employees have the necessary skills to care for, support and enrich the children and young people.
What is included in the planning permission submission?
Building structural work improvements include: the removal of the balcony, widening of external doors, making external door entries flush, adding automatic doors, adding a barrier to outdoor space, extending external fencing, adding to parking and making entrances accessible.
Internal alterations include adding a lift, dividing the living space, conversion of walk-in wardrobes to create more practical space, adding a stairwell wall, increasing the size of the downstairs bathroom, renovating bathrooms, adding a second bathroom upstairs, upgrading the kitchen, adding automatic doors and equipment such as railings.
When will we findout if planning application has been successful?
The planning application will be discussed at a Committee meeting in March 2024 following which we will know more about the next stages, contractors and a work schedule.
When will Red Gables be open and why is it going to take so long to get the service up and running?
We hope to open the home in Autumn 2024 and Red Gables will be fully staffed by TfC employees. The timeframe is subject to change depending on the outcome of planning application but we do have an indicative timeline. The timeframe we have put forward is based on necessary legal activity including registering the home with Ofsted, consultation with families and the team and to account for essential renovation work and the recruitment of staff.
How are you currently supporting families?
All families have an assessing social worker from TfC who have been working closely with them to arrange alternative care provisions whilst we have secured a suitable alternative and whilst work is taking place. If you have any questions about your current arrangements please contact your assessing social worker.
How will families be kept informed of developments?
We will be producing a regular newsletter that will be circulated to families we currently support to keep them informed of developments. We will also be filming on site at regular intervals so you can see the progress being made and families will be the first invited to visit the home when appropriate.
In addition we are looking for volunteers to join our Red Gables parent / carer Forum where members will be invited to discuss facilities with our team. This is to ensure the space is custom designed to best meet the needs of children and young people in Sunderland and their families. The topics covered will include outdoor space, IT and furniture. Meetings will start in around April 2024 (planning permission outcome dependent) and we will be looking to have a mix of voices and experiences represented.
To volunteers for our forum please email us at