Additional financial or practical support with accommodation
Make sure you have a suitcase/appropriate luggage to keep your belongings safe.
Pay for first TV licence.
Support to find the best places to buy expensive items like white goods.
Pay one-year home contents insurance.
Support to set up your first home so it is safe and ready for you.
Specialist housing project and/or worker for care experienced young people
Preparation for Independence workbook or similar document capturing your preparation for independence.
Housing worker linked to accommodation e.g. floating support including evenings and weekends depending on what kind of tenancy you have.
Supported accommodation scheme where you can move in to from age 16, when you are ready for more independence, to help you prepare for your own home.
Supported Lodgings scheme which provides accommodation for 16-21-year-old care experienced young people within a home environment. The aim is to offer a supportive, safe environment to help young people develop their self-confidence and independent living skills to prepare for their future.