Health and wellbeing 'looking after yourself'
Support with health appointments
- Your Personal Adviser can support you to attend important appointments while you get used to going to these by yourself.
- If you feel you will need a lot of support or longer-term support, we can refer you to the social prescribing service for specialist support with accessing health services.
Access to leisure services
- All care experienced young people are entitled to a free Everyone Active gym membership in Sunderland. If you live outside of Sunderland, we will explore funding access to a service local to you, so you do not miss out.
Health services we provide
- Access to Kooth, an online counsellor and support service for young people aged 10-18 and care experienced people up to 25 years of age.
- Staff have advice available from a Consultant Clinical Psychologist weekly to make sure we are offering you the best service we can.
- Young Person's Activity Coordinator will support young people with cooking and health eating, workshops around a healthy lifestyle, sexual relationships, promoting an active lifestyle and more.
- Signposting to sexual health services and support to access these where needed.
- If you need support with substance misuse, we can refer you to Wear Recover for specialist support.
- We can support you to link in with the Recovery College who offer a range of free recovery focussed educational courses for people with lived mental health experience, their friends and family.