Participation in society / getting involved in your community
Participation in society / getting involved in your community
Celebration of achievements
Individual celebration of milestones such as gaining qualifications e.g., go out for a meal.
Support to celebrate religious festivals.
Fun activities
We have a brilliant offer through our Young Person's Activity Coordinator. Please come and join us in a range of activities including the cinema, going to the zoo, Harry's Game Shack, cooking lessons and even residential trips! We encourage you to keep coming along to the activities post 18.
Chill out space at Stanfield Centre building/laundry facilities at Next Steps.
Support with learning to drive
Either car or motorcycle.
Match funding scheme (e.g., care experienced young people, pay for 5 driving lessons max number of lessons conditional on being linked to education or training).
Cost towards theory test, practical test, and provisional driving licence. Same offered with motorcycle, up to same costs.
Volunteering Activities
Volunteering opportunities and help to access them.
Training offered re: interview staff, compensation for time.
Young people can be compensated for time when taking part in consultation about TfC services.
Out of hours support
In the evening via EDT 0191 5205560.
Care experienced forum
Monthly Change Council meetings in the evening with the purpose of having your voice heard, making positive changes, shaping services, meeting senior managers, meeting other young people and having food together.
National young people benchmarking forum.
Newsletter to share what young people have been up to and to show what's been happening in the local community.
Support to access the internet; this may be through a number of means including the Covenant Offer or linked to job searching. Your Personal Adviser can guide you through options.
Laptop provided to all young people who are in education.
Identity documents
Financial support with ID documents e.g. national insurance numbers, passports, birth certificates, provisional driving licence and photos if needed.
We will keep a copy of these documents safe for you.
Support with British citizenship/naturalisation.
Support to open a bank account.
Help to join electoral register.
Finance - your money
Your Personal Advisor will offer you money management/budgeting training at Next Steps, if you need more specialists advise we will support you to access this.
Benefits and finance advice via services such as the Job Centre and Pallion Action Group, who support with benefit advice.
Information about financial support available which is updated annually.
We will help you with any difficulties with your UC claim.
Help to access your Junior ISA.
Help to open a bank account.
Help to set up a 'basic account' if young people are not able to open a debit account.
Support during financial crisis
If your benefits are sanctioned, we will explore how we can support you. This may include a support such as a food parcel, utilities payment or sign posting to another service who can provide this.
We will also try to work with the Job Centre where appropriate to prevent sanctioning/resolve a sanctioning.
Support while applying for benefits and waiting for these to be in place (up to 5 weeks)
Signpost or refer to voluntary organisations e.g., foodbanks; community furniture stores; Hopesprings.
Personal allowance
Birthday money.
Festival/Christmas money.
Christmas hamper/gift.
Care experienced young people who are parents
We will signpost you to appropriate services including Early Help for support.
One to one parenting support focused on the areas you want to develop.
Signposting to services such as the Family Nurse Practitioner and dad's groups
Our Young Person's Activities Coordinator has activities just for young parents, including accessing soft play. New members are always welcome.
Unaccompanied asylum-Seeking Young People
Specialised Immunisation program.
UASC pathway tailored to your needs.
Support to access Refugee council and legal representation.
Emotional support from UASC leads who understand the challenges faced by unaccompanied young people.
Care experienced young people in custody
We will work with your support where you live to make sure you have access to advocacy and that your status is known so you have the right support.
We will help you remain connected to the people who are important to you, this may include making people in your life aware of the support UC can offer to visit you.
We will offer advice and guidance when you are finished your sentence. This may include completing a duty to refer for housing or linking in with probation.
LGBTQ+ young people
We will listen to you when you tell us about your identity and sexuality.
We will respect the pronouns that you use and use these as you want us to.
We will support you to access groups such as Cozmic 3piphany (Cozmic 3piphany is a group for young people aged 11 to 18, or up to age 25 for care experienced young people or those with a special educational need or disability, who identify as LGBTQ+ or are questioning their sexuality and/or gender identity) if this is something you want.
Care experienced young people who have a disability
We will listen to you when you tell us what helps you manage best so your plan reflects your individual experience. We will support you to lead support for your needs wherever possible.
Referral for specialist services such as Adult Social Care to make sure you have the support you need.
We have a Transitions Lead who attends monthly meetings to support young people having a positive experience of transition from children's services to adult services.
Groups and youth projects you can join
You will be supported to join/attend any groups that you may be interested in that are within your local area.