Cost of living support
We understand that this is a difficult time for many young people and their families and friends, with all of us expecting to face challenges this winter and spring.
Please see some extra resources that you might find useful:
Bethany City Church
Bede Tower, Burdon Road, Sunderland, SR2 7EA
Provides an emergency food bank, drop-in cafés plus other activities, including lunch on Fridays between 11am and 1pm for vulnerable people and those in need.
Bethany City Church | Sunderland Information Point
Community School Clothing Scheme
59 Fawcett Street, Sunderland, SR1 1SE
A free service specialising in pre-loved school uniforms, with over 100 schools in the North East represented.
Community School Clothing Scheme | Sunderland Information Point
Love, Amelia
3 Glaholm Rd, Hendon, Sunderland, SR1 2NX
Supporting people with children from birth to 16 years old with the essential items needed to be safe, happy and thrive.
Bundles for Babies
The Co-Op Centre, Whitehouse Road, SR2 8AH
0191 511 1391
Offering a discreet service for families in need providing baby and child essentials, clothing, toys and books, as well as mothers-to-be with pre and post-natal essentials.
Bundles For Babies Sunderland baby bank - Wellbeing Info
Citizens Advice Bureau
5A Waterloo Pl, Sunderland SR1 3HT
0808 278 7950
Offering free, impartial and confidential advice and information to people in the community to help them find the way forward and resolve their issues. They advise on a range of subject areas, including welfare benefits and debt.
FISCUS Community Advice
37 Villette Road, Hendon, Sunderland
07983 355 212
Provides advice, crisis support and community services in Sunderland and the wider North East. They also have a debt surgery on Thursday afternoons - call to make an appointment.
FISCUS Community Advice | Sunderland Information Point
Salvation Army
Shakespeare Street, Sunderland and other locations
0191 561 8272
The Green Doctor
Offers free and practical energy advice and support to help you save energy, reduce your bills, and live in a warmer, more comfortable home.
PAG Pallion Action Group
3 East Moor Road, Sunderland
0191 514 2011
Offers educational and recreational activities with great links to other services.