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HR consultant

Your HR Consultant

Our 'pay as you go' service to give you extra capacity from a team of trusted professionals, when and where you need it most.  We offer a wide range of consultancy services including:

Proactive Attendance Management

We will analyse your attendance data to identify historical patterns and trends, working with you to develop proactive strategies to produce targeted improvements.

Audit of your Single Central Record

Do you have gaps or missing data? Are you unsure about what to do with missing, historical information? We will quality assure your existing Single Central Record to ensure compliance with KCSIE and Ofsted requirements.

Pay and Grading Audit/Review

Effective pay and grading structures can improve employee morale and motivation, making you more attractive as an employer whilst minimising your risk of equal play claims. Are you confident that your existing framework is fair and meets your business needs? Are you a growing MAT with inherited pay and grading structures? If so, now is the time to review your structures. You can rely on our extensive knowledge of local movement job evaluation schemes and the HAY scheme.  You can trust us to ensure that your pay and grading structure is fit for purpose, and we will be there to guide you through, ensuring smooth implementation of any changes.

Independent Investigating Officer

For more serious of complex issues, we understand that you may wish to appoint an independent, external investigation officer. Our team are vastly experienced, all have been trained by ACAS in line with their Code of Practice.

Organisational Change Projects

We know that school leaders strive for continuous school improvement and effective school resource management via regular curriculum, financial and workplace planning. Whether this involves academy conversion or growing as a Trust, workforce reductions or staffing restructure, we can support you every step of the way. 

HR Policy Review & Development

Policies are effectively your roadmap for the management of your people - do your HR Policies reflect your overall vision and people strategy? We can conduct a policy audit to identify any areas where of noncompliance in terms of the latest legislation and best practice. We can work with you to develop a set of bespoke policies that fit your operational needs as a Trust.

Recruitment Support

Are you struggling to recruit? Do you want to increase diversity across certain roles? We will review your job adverts, job descriptions and person specifications to ensure that you reach a wider talent pool and that you recruit the very best person to the school. We can be on hand as an independent sounding board to help you make fair and robust selection decisions.


Mediation has been proven to nip damaging disputes in the bud and resolve issues especially if utilised before conflict escalates and views become entrenched. The overriding aim of our trained impartial mediator is to work with the parties in dispute to help them explore and understand differences and find solutions to resolve them.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Audit

How effective are you at promoting and supporting staff mental health and wellbeing? We can review your current policies and practices to identify any gaps and suggest programmes for improvement.

Arrange to meet with us today by emailing us at peopleadvice@togetherforchildren.org.uk

Get in  touch via our enquiry form here

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