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Children's home is 'outstanding' again

The Colombo Road home in Castletown was inspected by children's services watchdog Ofsted in March 2024.

Ofsted said: "The children's home provides highly effective services that consistently exceed the standards of good. The actions of the children's home contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people who need help, protection and care."

Together for Children's (TfC) Chief Executive, Jill Colbert OBE said: "In line with the rating from Ofsted, this is an 'outstanding' achievement and well done to all staff for their ongoing work and this sixth consecutive top rating.

"The inspector's report is full of positives about the care and support that is provided 24-7 at Colombo Road. What is especially pleasing is that children regard the home's staff as such great friends and mentors that they keep in touch when they have left."

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The Ofsted report noted that:

  • Overall experiences and progress of children and young people: outstanding
  • How well children and young people are helped and protected: outstanding
  • The effectiveness of leaders and managers: outstanding

The Ofsted inspector's report said: "The children living in this home are making exceptional progress, as a result of the care they receive and the strong relationships that they build with the manager and the staff. Staff are highly skilled at building relationships with children. They know all of the children exceptionally well and show the children that they are valued. Staff in the home do not give up on children and will continue to offer care and support, even in the most difficult of circumstances."

While Ofsted noted that decorative updates were needed in two of the six bedrooms, children strongly identified with the home as a safe base and felt confident in returning to ask for help and support, which was always given.

All the children were in appropriate education, whether school or college, and staff worked closely with education professionals to ensure children met their goals.

Colombo staff gift

The inspector said: "One child's achievements have been recognised by the local authority, having been awarded the Young Achievers' Award. This child was highly commended for their achievements and progress in education.

"Staff celebrate important personal events for the children. Children celebrate their birthdays and the anniversary of their moving into the home. This helps children to feel special and valued. One child said that the efforts that staff made to celebrate their birthday made them feel 'like a million dollars'."

The report noted that incidents of negative behaviour were low and reducing over time, staff are influential in children's lives, and this has a lasting effect. And that children who have left the service continue to visit and speak highly of the positive impact their time in the home has had.

Home manager, Michael More added: "I am really proud of my team following the recent Ofsted Inspection. The team are extremely skilled and passionate about making a real meaningful difference in the lives of the children we care for. The team works tirelessly to ensure the children live in a homely and nurturing environment. Carers have high aspirations for the children and empower them so they can reach their full potential.

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