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Ofsted finds that progress is evident at latest Together for Children visit


The latest focused visit by Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, took place on 24 and 25 March 2021.

The city of Sunderland has experienced high rates of covid-19 throughout the pandemic. However, apart from a brief period during the start of the first national lockdown in April 2020 while visits by social workers were risk assessed, Together for Children has been providing face-to-face services to continue supporting the most vulnerable children and families in Sunderland.

Ofsted inspectors reported that "since the start of the pandemic, senior managers have steadfastly continued their focus on improving services. They have further developed their disabled children's teams, established a new pre-birth team and opened two new residential centres to better respond to the needs of children locally."

They also commented that "management oversight of children's services has been tightened through the strengthening of a range of manager-led panels and through the ongoing roll-out of a nationally recognised model of social work practice. Despite the personal and professional pressures, they had experienced as a result of the pandemic, all staff who spoke to inspectors were enthusiastic about working for TfC."

During their visit, inspectors reviewed records, assessments and data and conducted interviews with social care staff, social workers, managers, and partner organisations. This was all carried out remotely due to covid-19 restrictions.

Reporting on their findings, Ofsted also noted that:

  • Children protection strategy discussions are timely and well attended by an appropriate range of agencies with good information-sharing and recording of meetings. Immediate safety planning is robust and there is effective decision-making when children's cases are being stepped up or down to early help.
  • Leaders and managers from TfC and Sunderland City Council were proactive in working with schools during the pandemic. A range of actions were taken to better protect children and promote their attendance, including developing a joint risk assessment to identify and better monitor and support vulnerable children. 
  • Most cared for children were supported to attend school throughout the lockdowns, providing them with routine and stability. Personal education plans were put in place in a timely way for children, including those new to care. These have been adapted to have a better focus on children's well-being, reflecting concerns heightened by the pandemic.
  • Support provide to cared for children is, in the main, good. Creative efforts are made to ensure that children benefit from planned and safe family time with their parents and people who are important to them. These arrangements have been maintained, and often increased, during the pandemic, which has helped to alleviate children's anxiety about the impact of covid-19 on their birth families.
  • Cared for children have been able to access online support for mental health, and an organisation has been commissioned to provide support to care experienced young people.
  • Care experienced young people have had regular contact with their personal advisers, including face-to-face visits, throughout the pandemic. The Next Steps team quickly adapted to become a virtual service to ensure that young people had ready access to support. Wellbeing packs, food parcels, payment cards and face-to-face isolation sessions were also offered, with a focus on emotional well-being.
  • Inspectors met care experienced young people who are part of TfC's Change Council. They described work they are doing and how they make an important contribution to helping develop services to support other young people. Among their successes has been their successful campaigning to get social workers, managers and others to use language that they understand and is non-stigmatising. They reported that they have experienced a much-enhanced service and spoke positively about the commitment by Sunderland City Council and TfC to further improve.

Jill Colbert, Chief Executive at Together for Children said: "We welcome the findings of Ofsted's most recent focused visit and are delighted to see that our progress has been recognised in so many areas.

"Despite the challenges of the last year, our staff showed Ofsted the impact of their great work on children and families that has gone on throughout the coronavirus pandemic. The feedback from Ofsted's latest visit is encouraging, constructive and a clear indicator that we are on the right track."

Paul Moffatt, Together for Children's Board Chair said: "We all want the very best for children and young people in Sunderland and it goes without saying that we thank our staff in Together for Children for their continued dedication to children and their unrelenting focus on getting the best for them."

Councillor Louise Farthing, Portfolio Holder for Children's Services, said: "I welcome this letter from Ofsted that gives us a strong message that our improvement plan for children's services has now had an impact. I am confident that the staff will continue to focus on those areas identified, always keeping what's best for children in mind."

The latest visit was Ofsted's ninth to Together for Children since it was formed in April 2017, and the thirteenth to Sunderland since services were judged to be inadequate in July 2015.

Ofsted's findings concluded that the areas for improvement continue to be those that were identified at the last Ofsted inspection in July 2018, however, progress is evident in key areas.

Ofsted will take the findings from this focused visit into account when planning the next inspection or visit and a full inspection is expected to take place later in the year.

The full letter outlining findings of the focused visit can be read here on Ofsted's website.

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