Sunderland Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP)
Sunderland Safeguarding Children Partnership (SSCP) is an independent partnership established in Sunderland in October 2004 following the drive to improve outcomes for children. It was formed as a statutory requirement of the Children Act 2004.
The SSCP is a key multi agency statutory mechanism for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children in Sunderland. It has high-level officer representation from partner agencies, both statutory and voluntary, across the City. The SSCP structure consists of a number of sub committees that carry out specific functions in relation to the SSCP's responsibilities.
For more information visit the SSCP website.
Serious Case Reviews
The SSCP is responsible for publishing Serious Case Reviews (SCRs). SCRs are multi-agency reviews of how professionals and organisations have worked together with a child and their family when a serious incident has occurred. This serious incident can be the death of or the serious harm of a child.
Regional Procedures Manual
The Regional Procedures Manual for Sunderland can be found on the North and South of Tyne Safeguarding Children Partnerships Procedure website.